About Marsha

I’m a “rock hound”. We don’t have many rocks in Florida where I grew up (and still live) – just a lot of sand. Maybe that’s why I am so fascinated with beautiful stones.  I collect them, people give them to me, I pick them up when I travel (instead of buying souvenirs)… my house is full of them! In fact, I love anything created by Mother Nature: gemstones, pearls, shells… but, especially beautiful stones. 

This passion evolved into making jewelry.  What originally began as a way to obtain some customized, signature pieces for myself quickly evolved into filling special orders for relatives, friends, and friends of friends.  I've been designing and handcrafting beautiful, high-end, custom jewelry for many years now.

My interest in combining color, texture and material into attractive jewelry pieces has grown out of my years working in the fashion industry (a former life). I trained with and was both a model and instructor for the Patricia Stevens Finishing and Modeling School. I worked as a Fashion Coordinator and Discovery Instructor for Sears Roebuck and Co. and was an instructor for the Barbizon School of Modeling and Acting. I also trained as a Color Analyst with leading color consultant Carole Jackson; founder of Color Me Beautiful. In addition, I worked over 18 years with the Walt Disney World Company where I held positions in Fashion Retailing and in the Creative Costuming division. As a Walt Disney World Appearance Coordinator, I monitored and guided the appearance of over 30,000 employees; teaching classes on topics such as: Dress for Success, Wardrobe Planning, Professional hair & make-up and other personal development subjects.

I combine my love of beautiful stones, my knowledge of color, balance, and proportion with a deeply embedded appreciation for “real” jewelry to create beautiful, high-quality pieces that will survive to become valued heirlooms. Wear them with complete confidence in the quality craftsmanship and enjoy the compliments you are sure to receive.

...and, send me a rock from your part of the world!

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